A Place To Look For Inspiration And Resources, For Your Growth As A Musician. A Collection Of Various Bits Of Wisdom In The Form Of Lessons, Articles, Exercises, Videos, PDFs, Studies, Insights, Excerpts From The Books.
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One of the most interesting approaches to advanced drum phrasing is that based on ternary subdivisions, which involve all kinds of triplets, like sextuplets and ninetuplets. In this lesson we are going to discover a powerful system to phrase with ease using nothing more than two 3 note cells: the RLL and RRL stickings.
One of the cornerstones of drum technique is alternating hands phrasing, based on playing single strokes and using accents to create interesting solutions. In this lesson we are going to study its fundamental techniques, in order to fully integrate the way it works.
Once we have spent some time working on various techniques, exercises, grooves and phrases, if we want to take things to the next level it’s essential to try performing rhythms and fills freely, in the form of brief solos, so as to filter and automate what has been learned. To illustrate the point, I have recorded a bunch of solos in different styles. If you want to learn how to improvise a drum solo check out the full article.
It's mind blowing how it only takes a few notes of any of Steve's most famous phrases to recognize it's him. Although the amount of material available is immense, here we are going to focus on 6 of the licks most representative of his style, selected from recurring ideas heard in the solos he has played over the years.
Being versatile drummers means not only more job opportunities but also greater freedom of expression and a richer personal style. Essential Styles is a method aimed at drummers who want to develop a basic but fluid vocabulary in different genres, to quickly become more complete musicians. Here is a free excerpt including 30 grooves and fills to start familiarizing with each style.
When speaking about groove mastery and the tools that can help us achieve that, one of the key components to address is the important topic of Hi-Hat openings. Let's use these 47 powerful exercises to learn how to masterfully open and close the Hi-Hat without it destabilizing what we are playing.
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