A Place To Look For Inspiration And Resources, For Your Growth As A Musician. A Collection Of Various Bits Of Wisdom In The Form Of Lessons, Articles, Exercises, Videos, PDFs, Studies, Insights, Excerpts From The Books.
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As drummers we need so many tools in order to sound good under any circumstances. Pressure, tension, insecurities, stage fright, are all very common elements of being musicians. Here we are going to focus on a powerful visualization. The rules to make it work are very simple. Once you've mastered it, it will literally take 30 seconds to feel the boost.
“I fell in love with your groove the first time I heard you, and that’s why I tried to steal you’. John Robinson: ‘Well, mission accomplished!’. When one of the greatest producers ever, Quincy Jones, tells you that, then you must have been doing something right.
Don’t get me wrong, these guys are popular and accomplished musicians. It’s just that they are so good that in my opinion they are somewhat underrated and deserve more recognition. I’ve picked a few names with the intent of giving you great examples of amazing musicians who play the drums. For each one of them I’ve include a brief description and a link to one of their videos.
As I always like to tell my students, music includes 3 elements: harmony/melody, rhythm and dynamics.As drummers of course we are rhythm masters. Harmony and melody are not what we typically do. But we still have dynamics at our disposal: they basically determine the volume at which we play and they are a very powerful tool that many drummers overlook.
Have you ever happened to face a challenging study or exercise and feel totally stuck? Today I'd like to show you 3 strategic approaches to handle a difficult study. I regularly see great results both on myself and my students with these methods.
In this study we learn 7 of the most interesting polyrhythms. From the classic examples to a couple of really advanced ones, which use quintuplets. And even a three layer polyrhythm! Here is the Pdf with the full lesson, for you to save and print, in which I also explain the difference between polyrhythms and metric modulation.
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